Within the past couple days there have been a few questions for teachers and administrators regarding the ISAT coming up next week. Information below is a response and note from administrators:
This year’s ISAT is more aligned to the Common Core and is an important exam for a number of reasons.
- It is an additional opportunity to understand the increased expectations of a Common Core-aligned test.
- At Skinner North, assessment data and results are extremely important to our instruction. Our teachers use the data to make sure we are best meeting the needs of all students. Multiple data points (NWEA, classroom assessments and ISAT) allow us to better differentiate instruction for our students.
- The data from ISAT informs our teachers and their instructional programs. Teachers make important use of all assessment data.
- ISAT – like PSAE for high schools – is still a measure used to determine Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) of schools.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email Mr. Netterstrom (enetterstrom@cps.edu).