Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Sneak Peek At Our Week ...

NWEA Testing:  This week students will be taking the final NWEA assessments of the year.  Our classroom is scheduled to take the reading assessment Monday morning and the math assessment on Wednesday.  

Reading:  Students will continue their biography literature circles this week!  Mini-lessons will focus on different discussion strategies to enhance conversation and deepen student understanding during discussions.  

Writing:  We are coming to a close with our realistic fiction writing unit.  Students will draft endings this week, complete a self-revision checklist, and then complete a peer revision checklist as well.  

Math:  Lessons 9.3 - 9.6 will be instructed this week.  

Science:  Students will investigate the following key questions this week through labs, readings, and additional activities: Can sounds travel through liquids, solids, and gasses?  How is sound different when traveling through different mediums?

Important Dates & Information:

  • 5/6, 4:00-5:30: Spanish Night
  • 5/7: Progress Reports passed out

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