Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Holidays!

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday break, and enjoy time with friends and family!!!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Thank You!!!

A big THANK YOU to the Im Family who donated 12 decks of playing cards and 100 dice to the classroom - thanks!!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday Folders

Friday Folders were not sent home today!  We pushed social studies to the last minute and then completed an end of the day closing activity with our "Tweetheart of the Week" - Eva.  Corrected work, papers, and handouts will be passed back on Tuesday.  All assignments that were being passed back are entered on Gradebook.  

Math Challenge

Students in Ms.Magina class are doing some math challenge packets.  They are doing this because some students don't know what to do when they are done with their math,so Ms. Magina came up with the idea of making 20 folders full of challenging questions.  Students were very challenged!

Written By: Eva

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Dice & Playing Cards

To make make the different math games complete in the classroom, Room 210 could use more decks of playing cards (can be purchased at the dollar store) and dice!  We would appreciate any item donated - thank you!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Eva is Tweetheart of the Week



On Mondays students will write "tweets" about the Tweetheart of the week which are posted on a classroom bulletin board.  Students will "tweet" about why the Tweetheart is a special and person and why they are important in our classroom.  Student will even include "hashtags" in their tweets (examples include #nice, #caring, #goodfriend).  

IXL Shout-Outs!

A shout-out goes to Blake, Daniel, Kevin, Zuri, Rohan & Knowledge for their IXL practice last week!  Keep up the extra practice!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Sneak Peek At Our Week ...

Writing:  Students will continue to practice writing reading extended responses this week.  In the classroom we are focusing on choosing strong textual evidence to support a claim/prompt, and then explaining how and why the evidence supports.  

Students will be bringing home a story and response graphic organizer to complete for homework this week as well.  They will have a list of sentence starters to help them with these responses.  The starters can also be found on the Third Grade website - Text Evidence, Explanation, Voice Starters.  

Reading:  We will be wrapping up the "key word strategy" for summarizing nonfiction text this week, and shift out focus to summarizing fictional texts.  Students will be learning about the "plot mountain strategy" and the "somebody-wanted-but-so-then" strategy.  We will be using Cynthia Rylant's Every Living Thing for students to independently practice the summarizing strategy. 

Math:  This week we will focus on lessons 4.3-4.6 in math.  Students will take a day to practice math extended responses as well.  The Unit 4 IXL checklist and games can be found on the Unit 4 page of the Third Grade website!

Social Studies:  On Tuesday, students will begin Unit 2 in Social Studies: How Chicago Came to  Be.  For the culminating project of this unit, students will be making a "Chicago ABC book", highlighting a multitude of significant people, events, and places, that contributed to Chicago becoming the city it is today!  This is a project students will work on throughout the unit.  

Important News & Events:

  • Mon. 11/18 - Harvest Fest from 4:30-6:30  
  • Mon. 11/18 - Ireland's mom will be coming into the classroom teaching the students about presentation skills!
  • We will be starting "Tweetheart of the Week" this week!
  • Mon. 11/25 - Quarter 2, Part 1 Project Due!  

Thursday, November 7, 2013

SN Harvest Fest 2013

The Skinner North 2013 
Harvest Fest
Celebration of Cultures
Monday, November 18th

  • Families are encouraged to bring a dish and recipes to share that represent their heritage
  • To help plan for this event please RSVP by November 12th to Paula Cuadros at p_cuadros@yahoo.com OR tear off the form passed out to your child and return to the office
  • Disposable plates and utensils will be provided, but families are welcome to help make the Harvest Fest more earth-friendly by bringing their own reusable plates and utensils
*** If you want to get involved, sign up to volunteer by clicking this link - Harvest Fest Volunteering

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Congratulations Stefan!

Congratulations go to Stefan who recently participated in the "Susan Polgar World Open for Boys and Girls" international chess tournament as a representative of the Skinner North Chess Team.  Stefan competed in the high school section and received 5th place overall!  Stefan is the 34th rated 8 year old in the country according to the United States Chess Federation Guidelines, and is expected to be moving up!  A big CONGRATS go to Stefan; Room 210 is very proud of you!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Happy Birthday Kevin!

A big Happy Birthday to Kevin!!  Room 210 hopes you have a great day! :)

Picture Day Retakes - RESCHEDULED

Picture day retakes are rescheduled for Friday, December 6th.  There are additional order forms available in the office!

Thank You!

A big THANK YOU to the Deth family for donating another Jenga to the classroom!  Students will use this set to play "Division Jenga!"  Thank you!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

A Sneak Peek At Our Week ...

Writing:  We are continuing our "Reading Response" unit this week and students will focus on choosing strong, supportive text evidence to support their thinking.  They will also practice explaining how their evidence supports a prompt. 

Reading: Our classroom will be finishing our Main Idea & Details unit this week, and will take an end of the unit assessment on Wednesday.  Following this unit, we will be starting a Summarizing unit.  Lessons will start Thursday this week!

Math:  This week students will take the Unit 4 pre-test, complete lesson 3.11, participate in a Review Game Thursday, and take the Unit 3 test on Friday.

Science:  On Tuesday and Wednesday this week, students will begin completing a "Fact Finder" sheet, researching information about a biome they are interested in.  (This will help them for the Quarter 2 Project!)  Towards the end of the week, lessons and activities will focus on food chains.  

Important Information:
  • Picture retake day is tomorrow!
  • Parent/Teacher Conference sign-up forms went out today.  Please return these by Thursday.  Parent/Teacher Conferences are on Tuesday, November 12th
  • NO SCHOOL on Monday, November 11th for Veteran's Day!
  • Skinner North is participating in a Food Drive; please have your child bring in any goods they can to donate!
  • The 3rd grade Quarter 2 Project description was passed out today.  Students were given an explanation of Part 1 of the project, as well as an overview of the rubric.  Please view the Third Grade website for resources, descriptions, and rubrics! - Quarter 2 Project

Student Blogs - Ranger Rick Posts

Students were given the following science assignment to complete:
Students found pictures and created captions for each picture, highlighting important information about each of the characteristics.  Be sure to read their work on their  STUDENT BLOG.  They would love for you to comment on their writing!